Simmons Sharks - The Deadliest!
Price: $49.95

    Availability: In Stock
    Usually ships In 1-5 Business Days
    Item #: SB-40

    The 190gr Original Interceptor

    This was Mr. Jerry Simmons original broadhead! The 190gr Original Interceptor was everything that Jerry wanted in an arrowhead, brought to reality. In 1973 Jerry wanted a broadhead that was close to a 3:1 length to width ratio, for penetration, a radically concave design for large sagging wound and even deeper penetration, and a barbed trailing edge to decrease reversal in the animal. So this is what he ended up with. The Original Interceptor is probably one of the sexiest looking heads on the market today, but make no mistake........THIS BROADHEAD IS NASTY!!!! It's a Hogs worst nightmare! 

    The 190 Gr. Original Interceptor is 2 5/8" long by 1 9/16"wide and has a 0.050" blade thickness!

    Might be your best choice for a low poundage big game arrowhead!


    *Because of the return angle on the trailing edge of this broadhead, it is considered barbed by some states and therefore illegal.
    Please check your local game laws before purchasing this particular head.